Sunday, 31 March 2013

Exciting New Things


Sorry I haven't written in a while, I have had a lot of exciting things happening over the past two weeks.

I have just recently applied for NEOS (North East Open Studios.) NEOS brings North East artists, crafters and galleries together. This is something I have wanted to be part of for a few years and I feel that I am now at the stage where I can take part. If you haven't already, please check out their website. They are a great organisation. The event will take place over three weeks in September from the 7th to the 29th. My work will be displayed in the gorgeous Timeless. Why not come along, have a cuppa' and have a look at some of my work.

To add to all the excitement I have just received my new logo design. Thanks to Little Joy Designs. I am so happy with it and couldn't say thank you enough. Please have a look at her work, she is super fab!

I had a meeting with Touched by Scotland this week. Keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of months and you might see some of my work cropping up there.

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